
Dear Readers! A Red Witch, Every Which Way is waiting for you to explore its strange innards!

Dear Readers:
We are
a combustible
pedigree of bones, bravados
directions we head
through lead
the way please
for us
a chorus of abominable snowman
dolls and stuffed chickens
women or abdominal blood baths.
We are
surging out visceral specters
of tainted debris art.
One eye is filled with magma;
the other eye is an empty hole,
ready to be filled with
your eyes.
~j/j hastain & Juliet Cook
This poem appears on the back cover of "A Red Witch, Every Which Way", which is the NEW full-length poetry book collaboration by j/j hastain and myself, newly published by a new small press, Hysterical Books!
Oodles of poems appear on the inside of the book. More than 100 pages of poem stuff!
"A Red Witch, Every Which Way" is "aboil with the grotesque and macabre. These poems explore the recesses of the body in all its glory and all its shame. No one will read it and come away unscathed."

P.S. This photo isn't of the book of course; the photo is of me and my new haircut, as of August 2016 (the month the book came out).

Just because I have what might look like a tattoo on my upper arm doesn't mean it's really a tattoo.

And just because I'm wearing Jesus socks doesn't mean I really believe in Jesus.

(Photo taken by Darryl Shupe)

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