
small snippet (perception)

Had a lot of trouble sleeping this past week, which means I sometimes popped up and jotted down notes. Here's a small one (coming soon is a longer one I wrote after semi-randomly thinking about Lady Gaga):

I think there are certain things/experiences/people that happen within our lives that we are going to continue to remember for a long time, maybe even forever.

I hope I am one of those people within a few other people's remembrances and I hope the remembrance of me is a good one.

I hope I am not an overly disappointing, overly sad, overly stressful memory.

I hope I am not a blah, bland, neutral, whatever memory.

I hope I am a positive, powerful memory for someone - but one never knows exactly how anyone else perceives her.

Oddly enough, I know how some people perceive my poetry, but not how the non-poetry part of me is perceived.

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