UPDATE: I have received my fabulous author copies, so this porky publication is now also available (signed copies) in my etsy shop at http://www.BloodPuddingPress.etsy.com.

Slash Pine Press finished hand stitching my new poetry chapbook, FONDANT PIG ANGST, this weekend and it is now available for only $5.00 online or by mail. For more details on how to acquire, please see the Slash Pine Press website at http://slashpinepress.blogspot.com/.
From the site: "Slash Pine Press is pleased to announce the release of our first chapbook of poems, Juliet Cook's dynamically gut-wrenching, Fondant Pig Angst. I feel confident in saying Juliet's voice is an American original, fusing pastry with grotesquerie, icing with amputation. These poems are not plainly 'dark'. No, they are alive and electric and full of verve and spunk, playfulness even, and it's these competing impulses that make for such an amazing collection of poems. "
When I receive my own copies of the book, I will also offer a few signed copies for sale in the Blood Pudding Press etsy shop at http://www.bloodpuddingpress.etsy.com/.
I will also be reading at the Slash Pine Press Poetry Festival this April, but more on that later.
The Birthday Pig image upon the cover of FONDANT PIG ANGST is by the marvelous Marnie Weber.
In other poetry goodness news, the latest Blood Pudding Press chapbook, Dana Guthrie Martin's The Spare Room, which was launched on Black Friday, is already eliciting excitement and positive buzz. Acquire your very own hand-designed copy from the Blood Pudding Press etsy shop, either by its lonesome or in a money-saving Combination Pack with one other Blood Pudding Press chapbook of your choice.
See the previous entry here for more information about the latest chapbook--and visit the Blood Pudding Press etsy shop at http://www.bloodpuddingpress.etsy.com/ to select and partake of your own poetic morsels.
I haven't been the most diligent blogger lately, so here are a few other tasty little vittles I shall mention in passing:
~Poet/critic Adam Fieled thinks I'm a total bad-ass in a recent entry over at Stoning the Devil:
~Columbus indie film company CutThroat Entertainment premiered their short horror film, BREAK last week and I emerged from my hermetically sealed mason jar (did you know that's where I lived & wrote?) to attend the premiere party, which was pretty fun, but I probably should have skipped that Christmas Ale. It'll be interesting to see what CTE does next. Also, I liked my dress; it was like an off-fuschia shag rug.
~I emerged from my hermetically sealed mason jar again this past weekend to attend a holiday party of sorts, which I should have skipped. Why is it that more often than not when I go out in public, I end up feeling mortified the next day? Maybe it's because I'm usually out of my element, my element being a mason jar full of tainted gummi pigs or somesuch. At least I liked my dress that night, too; it was like a space age waitress dress or like some weird Judy Jetson on Polyvinylchloride. Like a hairless kitty, you can't wash this dress, you have to wipe it clean with a damp sponge.
~But enough about my dresses, submit some poetry to me for Thirteen Myna Birds, especially if you're of the female and/or queer persuasion. I get too much crusty straight male poetry. I'm looking for juicy moreso than crusty, especially fake crusty. You know what I mean by fake crusty? I'll tell you. It's like you're some college student guy in your early twenties and you're writing this Bukowski impersonation about your hard knock life when you should actually be putting on a belly shirt and doing a little dance. I mean I want YOUR voice; not some crusty old man's voice (unless you actually ARE a crusty old curmudgeon, in which case, that's a little different, but I would like the poetry to be different, too, pretty please). So check out the guidelines at http://13myna.blogspot.com/ and if you think you have something that might interest me, feel free to submit.
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