
FREE online version of my poetry chapbook, The Rabbits With Red Eyes!

Hello there poetry friends (or friends who are not sure how they feel about poetry but might be interested in checking some out). Anyone who hasn't yet read my 2020 poetry chapbook, "The Rabbits With Red Eyes" (published by Ethel Zine & Micro-Press) can now read it for FREE online here! - https://ethelzine.com/the-rabbits-with-red-eyes

Simply click on that ethel zine link and then click on the red cover of the chapbook. 🐇


"He wants to be the boss of broken body parts.

Some of us will refuse to be his apprentice.
Some of us have hearts that cannot be easily baked
in this oven. Some of us will try to rise
above all this hate."

in my poem "Pepper" which appears in this chapbook.


ALSO, although the print copy of this chapbook is now SOLD OUT from Ethel, I have a few copies left, so if you might be interested in acquiring one of the few remaining print copies (well, other than the few I'm keeping for myself), you can check it out and/or grab one up in my Blood Pudding Press shop here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/792299569/the-rabbits-with-red-eyes-by-juliet-cook

But to reiterate, the new online version is totally free and here's a link to that free version again - https://www.ethelzine.com/the-rabbits-with-red-eyes.

Just click on that link and then click on the chapbook cover for The Rabbits With Red Eyes and you can read the poems for free.

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