
Parts of last night's bad dream(s):

(I don't usually add "trigger warnings" above my posts, but I will say that the end of this post gets pretty violent, so if you don't want to accidentally read any details of physical violence, then you might want to stop reading once you hit the third paragraph, or at least before you get to the last paragraph)
I'm not a huge Star Wars aficionado. I mean, I like the movies okay (especially some of the visuals of non-human creatures), but am not blown away by the movie's story lines. So I'm not sure why some giant non-human animal-like creature that I think was in a Star Wars movie appeared in last night's dream. It was weird looking, huge with extremely long legs, and fast moving - but somehow in the dream, it was supposedly some sort of giant sloth.
The giant sloths were on the side of good, so I was watching them from outside my window, but then one of them suddenly turned into a lioness and jumped into my house and was right in front of me. The lioness was not necessarily good or bad, but she was an animal and if I made an attempt to run away from her, I would most likely be attacked and ripped into pieces, so I woke myself up.
Then when I fell back asleep, I started having one of my disturbing dreams that involved tortuous human violence. The dream involved me and two other good people (good as in non-evil and non-violent). Me and the guy had taken this disabled woman into an office room (some type of medical or psychiatric office room,or at least that's what we thought it was), in order to try to explain that she had accidentally forgotten to take a few of her much needed psychiatric pills, so could she please be given 5 extra pills before her pill prescription was available for renewal. The guy who worked in the office opened a book full of paperwork, crossed off 5 words, and said no she would not be given 5 extra pills, because she was the one who had made the mistake, and in fact, now she would not be given ANY pills EVER, and then he crossed off the entire page, and said that what ever happened to her next was her own fault.
At first I thought he was just some asshole having an assholish day and taking it out on random patients, so I tried to act tough and angry and insisted that he give our disabled friend the pills she needed. Then he started screaming at us, threatening us with violence, and it seemed like he was actually going to inflict violence, so I yelled "Let's go!" and we started running. But somehow he grabbed the disabled woman, stabbed out one of her eyes, and started pounding her in the face, and I felt like it was our fault, because we had gone in there to help her, but now we were just running away as she got tortured and possibly killed. Clearly, the guy didn't care about anyone's life, especially that of a disabled woman who had forgotten to take a few of her pills.

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