
Different styles of expression in difficult times

I think it's wonderful for us to have people to communicate with (and even more so during this recent social isolation due to the Coronavirus), but I think we should also try our best to be aware that different people communicate differently.

With me, for example, I don't tend to instantly write back in-the moment (although sometimes I do depending on my mood, my time frame, what I am or am not in the middle of working on, and various other factors), I don't tend to be a casual chatter (although once in a great while I do), I don't text much, I don't talk on the phone much (except to about two people)...

I do enjoy ongoing, long-ish online communication with a few friends - but even that has its time limits for me, because I have a rather slow process when it comes to just about everything.

Some people are a lot faster and more sudden and more in-the-moment than me - and that is fine. We're all different and should try our best to respect each other's differences, as well as similarities.

We don't all communicate the same way or directly in-the-moment. With me it depends what mood I'm in and what I'm focusing on, because I've never been good at multi-tasking or talking to several different people at the same time or directly focusing on a bunch of different things at the same time - and if I try, I tend to get frazzled and edgy and concerned that I'm not focusing closely enough on ANYTHING.

I don't like to feel rushed or forced. I like to maintain my own pace and space.

Sometimes I'm in the mood to communicate with others. Other times, I'm in the mood to focus on nothing but reading or writing poetry. Other times, I need some quiet time and space to myself to process things my own way, on an individual level, before I focus on communicating with others again.

Partly due to the recent focus on and stress-fest related to the Coronavirus pandemic, I feel like I've recently gotten a little less productive, less focused, and more edgy - so if it takes me a little longer than usual to communicate with friends, it doesn't mean I'm rudely ignoring you. It probably means I'm trying to focus on my own process of handling things and catching up on some things I've fallen behind on and not lowering my immune system by working in too many different directions at the same time.

We all have our own process, we all have our own preferred forms of communication and expression and self-preservation - and reaching out to others and reaching out to ourselves.

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