
MUTANT NEURON CODEX SWARM! A new collaborative poetry chapbook by Juliet Cook and Robert Cole (Hyacinth Girl Press, January 2015)

Very excited and creepily delighted to announce a new collaborative poetry chapbook by me and Robert Cole, MUTANT NEURON CODEX SWARM, freshly published and now available from Hyacinth Girl Press!
The twisted mutant innards of this creature are a peculiar fit for an utterly unique and creative and somewhat disturbing New Year!
The hideously awesome cover art was created by Christen Baer and offers different art on the front AND the back!
Below are a few poem lines from the MUTANT and below that is a book blurb by Laura Madeline Wiseman.
"Necroplasm flows in a cemetery conduit
leading to a cave dead with purple
where the light at the end of the tunnel
is another tunnel smoldering beyond control.
He/she/it can no longer speak for itself,
but the semi-rigamortised mouth spews out
unexpected pitcher plants, partially digested."
some lines from the poem "Churning Codex Portal"
"Mutant Neuron Codex Swarm swarms with unexpected delights for the sybil nymph, the cryogenic witch, the blue goddess and more. Here the body with its twisted wings, heart strings, and sticky salivary gland salutations, is a body that knows Nobody can touch us anymore and nobody can save us. Whose body you wonder? Are they Human? Truth is, as Cook and Cole explain, You decide. How do you decide? You enter with the collaborating pair into an incomplete metamorphosis where you’re commanded DON’T stop DON’T stop DON’T stop DON’T you dare! and told homeless men walk around with sporks. So sit back and allow Cole and Cook to place the napkin just so, for Mutant Neuron Codex Swarm purrs with language play, with surprising imagery, and with an attention to sound that will razzle dazzle the neurons in this thrilling new collaborative chapbook."
- Laura Madeline Wiseman
Get yourself a copy from Hyacinth Girl Press here! - http://hyacinthgirlpress.com/yearfour/mutantneuroncodexswarm.html

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