
Poetry plethora of dreamy skulls and ghosts (NEW Thirteen Myna Birds)

The newly updated Thirteen Myna Birds has now gone live!

THREE NEW poems by Lisa M. Cole - TWO NEW (& two old) poems by Alex S. Johnson - THREE NEW poems by Lora Bloom - (plus three old poems by Jill Khoury still remaining).

Here's the link to those Myna Birds - http://13myna.blogspot.com/

"Blood crank - writhing out of ashes - other half of the best friend necklace - crackle of nerves -
static in her skull - hooks for hands – uplifting shiver..."
See my blog posts below for more oodles of poetry goodness, too!

Listen to Juliet Cook read five of her poems within the Menacing Hedge Podcast!

Listen to me read five of my poems ('Hot Water', 'COILED', 'Giant Squid', 'SPAWNING' and 'Slumber Party Scandal/Bikini Zone') in the new Menacing Hedge Podcast, here:




Less than 3 days left to purchase these two poetry chapbooks

The first two Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbooks will be discontinued after the end of April 2012, so if you haven't yet, purchase/partake of a copy of one or both, before it's too late.

The Laura Poems:


Girl Gang:



Koi, lily pads, and water lilies

I have some troubles with easy little words (food words, animal words, sea creature words, plant words and many more), but I can usually visualize what I'm trying to think of.

A young pottery artist gave me a handmade mug and another piece of her art and I was trying to explain the appearance of her art to my mom, but the words wouldn’t emerge.

The art seemed to be reminding my brain of some sort of plant-like sea creature hybrid fusion, but I couldn't think of the plant or sea creature words I wanted to say. I knew it wasn't rose-like;what was it?

I tried to explain a common kind of fish with many size variations to my mom and she asked if I was talking about a goldfish - and I thought that I WAS – but wasn’t there another word for goldfish; a shorter but slightly more uncommon word?

I seemed to be visualizing that a lot of people had tattoos of this kind of fish; then I started to wonder if maybe my brain was not making much sense.

But then I googled 'Kathy Acker tattoo' and then 'fish tattoos'.

Koi was the first word.

I then finally managed to find the rest and realize that her art made me think of koi, lily pads, and water lilies.


Koi Tattoos:

 According to Japanese legend, if a koi succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River, it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.

More generally, the Japanese associate koi (also known as carp) with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose.  Because of its strength and determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals.


“a distillation of voluntary mutilation”

Women don’t necessarily go around bragging about their brand new vaginas, but these moments of honesty are what make Cook’s concoction a voracious critique, sometimes cheering for and sometimes against “snazzy tassels atop her misshapen meat curtain.”

A quote from Dolly Lemke's new review of my poetry chapbook Thirteen Designer Vaginas.

Read the whole review at Arsenic Lobster, here: http://arseniclobster.magere.com/1review.html

And if you would like to purchase my Thirteen Designer Vaginas poetry chapbook from Hyacinth Girl Press, you may do so here - http://hyacinthgirlpress.com/purchase/


(small poetry chapbook review by Juliet Cook)

“riding the lace barometer”  by j/j hastain, ISMs Press

(small review from Juliet Cook)

Since I read this poetry collection online in PDF format, I can’t offer specific comments about the visual appeal of the print chapbook, but I can speak about how the words affected me.  I feel that some of how writer j/j hastain experiments with and uniquely organizes the poetic content and approach of words is visual in its own way; offers its own bodily-based, sexual, questionable, provocative, peculiar displays.  Prepare for an in-deep partaking of strange yet powerful “folds as they enshrine a gorgeous hysteria”, because that is part of what hastain’s poetic encounters will be placing upon you.

Many of the folds are bodily based, but not traditionally positioned or traditionally gender based.  There are turn ons; there are questionings; there are comfort zones and discomfort zones, causing uncertainty in the midst of intense arousal. Despite occasional discomfort and fear, the collection continues trying new and different and intense positions and unlikely positions and re-positioning and restructuring. “We are taking the musk and mush maps and shoveling them into each other’s open mouths.” We are frequently searching through a variety of fleshy fusions and new lubrications.

Overall, hastain’s subject matter and her approach offer s a wonderfully well written slew of unique words/visuals/thoughts/feelings/fusions.  Indeed, the ability to uniquely fuse and affix visual and descriptive; lust and love; bodily based changing and interchanging with in-depth connections definitely strikes me as one of hastain’s powerful strengths as a poet.  

Personally, I am not a big fan of the pages that consist of only one line, such as, “Those that are  and are not my memory”, because what is so unique about one little line like that and why is it necessary enough to appear as its own  entire page?   But then I will read one line such as, “Oh so many secreting, unearthed drawers” and find that one to be interestingly unique enough to stand on its own plus evoke further thoughts/feelings/interests/other parameters.

I will admit there were times when the overall content of this collection struck me as a bit overly lengthy and repetitive (for a slow, intense reader, such as myself). Also (and again this is just coming from one individual reader), there are some parts of the content that sound good enough to elicit visual appeal, yet the imagery doesn’t quite make sense to me; I wouldn’t be able to easily explain what the content means.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing. I guess it depends upon what the writer is aiming for.  Sometimes I might not understand how certain parts fit together, but sometimes we don’t quite understand exactly how or why relationships start, fit, last, or end.

“How to allow the dead ones and the living ones, a sense of ritual belonging?  Are we dead or living or? Are we on the brink of belonging differently than we ever have before?”


If interested in purchasing a copy of this chapbook, you may contact ISMs Press editor Rachel Kendall at ismspress@gmail.com



I overreacted to a computer issue earlier this week; it turned out it was only my monitor that suddenly died, thank goodness – but I was worried that it might have been worse; that I might have lost years worth of words.  For several days I was mentally overreacting and feeling overly worried and overly negative about myself in a variety of ways. Even though I had not done anything in particular wrong, I was brimming with oodles of dislikes about myself.

An ongoing issue with the way my mind works is that sometimes if one unexpected, bad thing happens (even a smallish bad thing, such as my computer issue the other day), then my mind is prone to soon start thinking about other bad things that have recently happened or MIGHT happen in the future.  From health issue to divorce to what if nobody will ever again be able to really love me and what is there about me to love (nothing of much significance; I seem to be a weak downhill battleground). 

Then I will start thinking/worrying too much about the man I am currently involved with and feeling strongly about; I will feel uncertain about how he feels about me. We have known each other for about a year now. I can hardly believe how fast a year races by - and a year sure doesn't seem very long to me - I feel like we are still getting to know each other - but what if he’s the type of person who starts to get tired of/bored with someone after a year.  What if he is already craving someone more positive and more uplifting, instead of a little misshapen creep such as me?

That's the way my mind works/worries sometimes – questioning things too much and feeling overly negatively.  Other times I feel more happy, delighted and positive plus creative and productive.  Other times I’m back to thinking too much re: ‘What is the point?’ and/or feeling overly worried that I'm sure to lose everyone/everything. 

Even though I sometimes feel unworthy (even though I truly desire to be worthy of something powerful and positive), I also feel tired of losing lots of things that I had thought were real and strong and significant.  Was/is my mind WRONG about what is/is not significant?  Is nothing really significant for an extended time period?  Can anyone help me/convince me of my/their long significant powers? My writing can sometimes convince me and help me feel powerful and connected – and my writing has existed for MANY MANY MANY years. Thus, losing my writing would have felt like a last straw and it would have been hard not to chop some of my fingers off.


NEW REVIEW of Letters From Room 27

"a curiosity cabinet full of insects, skeletons, stuffed animals, summer fruit… madness, ghosts, metamorphoses, bondage"

from ISMs Press/Rachel Kendall's new review of Margaret Bashaar's Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook, Letters From Room 27 of the Grand Midway Hotel 

Partake of/purchase yourself a copy of this chapbook from the Blood Pudding Press etsy shop here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/80739335/letters-from-room-27-of-the-grand-midway