
Poetry Crush

Check out the uniquely multifaceted and interesting Poetry Crush: Valentine Issue (in which a number of Hyacinth Girl Press poets share their favorite erotic poems) -


I chose a poem by Lynn Crosbie and here was my small intro as to why -

"For me, in-depth intensity is far more erotic than semi-casual flinging. In recent years, my desire for powerful intensity is borderline brimming with uncertainty and unknowing related to ebbing and flowing, but that doesn’t make it dissipate. I desire a new beginning, filled with a large scale, all kinds of strange tales and talismans, and strong sails. I crave a strange power to affix me, lift me up, and wet me into creatively drenched, passionate, powerful, deliciously visceral terrain."


On a semi-related note, as I was thinking about what poem to choose for this project and reading quite a few poems that I seemed to remember really liking and finding oddly erotic in the past, I discovered that a lot of those poems now struck me as interestingly kinky but definitely not erotic in any sort of loving, positive, powerful way.

Perhaps I used to be more sexually turned on by controlling/being controlled and playing around with dominant/submissive quirks, but not anymore - especially if that sexual experimentation seems like some sort of unemotional game or borderline uncaring mini-torture.

I then thought of a poetry-based interview I participated in some months back, in which I wrote -

"Content wise, my influences have often included, in one form or another: eating/being eaten, fetish-ism, desire, horror, and deviation from the norm/not fitting in to a mold.

If I re-read some older poems of mine with darkly fetishistic slants, I feel like some of their content is filled with kinky desires; unsure whether I want to control or be controlled.

More recently, although still interested in kinky desires, I do not want to control anyone else or be controlled by anyone else on any large scale. I want to be myself - and ideally, I want others to like and desire me for being myself."

If interested, you can read more here -


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