My brain feels really discombobulated today. I felt (still feel) so randomly upset and bothered by little things and big things all discombobulating together in my brain that all I've gotten done in the course of more than two and a half hours has been responding to one question about Blood Pudding Press, binding one poetry chapbook and placing it in an envelope, started binding another chapbook but somehow fucked it up to the point that I had to cut out the yarn, rip off the cover, and start over with another cover (now that one is finally designed and on the floor, waiting to be placed in an envelope), probably yelled out a random, angry FUCK YOU in the overly long process, started a pot of coffee, called my boyfriend and had a long hissy fit in various different directions about some of the things that are bothering me then drank half a cup of coffee. That's my day so far.
Oh and feeling randomly embarrassed and like I should delete some of my own photos and pissed off and like I give the wrong impression or give no impression or give multiple impressions at the same time or who the hell knows what impression(s) I give.
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