
NEW! My long poem "The Age of Vicissitude" is appearing in Horror Sleaze Trash!

"My brain is broken. Slashed like an old horror
film scene, retching and dragging my un-tight legs along
this antiquated, soon to be autopsied linoleum floor.
Cracked allure of concussive gore. Bruised and confused
and wavering away from reality. Disabled runway model.
Old cat lady with swollen feet and scratches across
flimsy wrists. Another pair of cat eye glasses
falls off my head and breaks and the room grows darker."

A small part of a long poem of mine, "The Age of Vicissitude", which is newly appearing today in Horror Sleaze Trash!

(This poem is longer than my usual and will also be appearing in my chapbook "Blue Stingers Instead of Wings", forthcoming this Spring from Pure Sleeze Press.)


NEW! Two new poems of mine are making an appearance in The Literary Underground!

"When I finally shut my eyes they still glimmer
like an impending mini-seizure or like I’m smothering
a centipede with my pillow, but then it is back on top
of the ceiling."

Part of one of two new poems of mine newly appearing in The Literary Underground 

Read more HERE - https://theliteraryunderground.org/blog/2025/02/24/2-poems-by-juliet-cook/


Get Your Own Copy of REVOLTING!

Thank you very much to Sandra Feen for this photo of my poetry chapbook "Revolting" (published by Cul-de-sac of Blood in November 2024). You can acquire your own copy of this chapbook from Cul-de-sac of Blood HERE - https://www.culdesacofblood.com/books

Or directly from me/my Blood Pudding Press shop HERE - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1851916682/new-revolting-by-juliet-cook-2024-poetry


A few copies of my latest poetry chapbook, Revolting, have now been added to my Blood Pudding Press shop

I have now added a few copies of my latest poetry chapbook, "Revolting" to my Blood Pudding Press shop, in case anyone might be interested in procuring one there.

Of course it is still available from the small press that published it, Cul-de-sac of Blood too.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions...


"We found its dead body inside a kitchen cabinet,
skinny, curled to one side, and all alone.
Sometimes we learn the hard way

that other people think we're overreacting
by getting really upset when a little pet dies,
as if it should be easy to replace

one little pet with another little pet
or one spouse with another spouse.
As if death is not the end of everything."

Some lines from the poem "From Hormone Imbalance to Death", the first of thirteen poems which appear within my latest poetry chapbook, "Revolting".

Revolting is now available in the Blood Pudding Press shop HERE - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1851916682/new-revolting-by-juliet-cook-2024-poetry

Revolting is also still available from Cul-de-sac of Blood HERE - https://www.culdesacofblood.com/books

If you read Revolting, consider Reviewing it via Goodreads HERE (or elsewhere) - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/222804547-revolting


NEW! Two of my individual poems and two collaborative poems appear in Issue 39 of Misfit!

"Malignant narcissist spitting more dirty fur
out of yammering mouth. First he acts like your pet
or a close friend, then he turns on you
and now he insists you are his.

He grows into a giant tapeworm,
ribbony, twisting around your lips, trying to stick,
eat your words, call them his own,
as if he has always owned you."

the beginning of my poem "Carnivorous Worm"

I am delighted to be included in the Current Issue No. 39 of Misfit!

This issue includes two poems by me - one collaborative poem by Daniel G. Snethen and me - and one collaborative poem by Daniel G. Snethen, Alex S. Johnson, and me.

Lots of wonderful poetry by lots of other poets too! If I were you, I would read it all. But I'm not you. 

Thank you very much to writer and editor Alan Catlin.

Read more of my poems and collaborations here - http://misfitmagazine.net/archive/No-39/Cook.html

Read the whole issue here - http://misfitmagazine.net/current.html


Wishing you a REVOLTING Happy New Year brimming with poetry!

My newest poetry chapbook, REVOLTING, is available from CUL-DE-SAC OF BLOOD!

HERE - https://www.culdesacofblood.com/books

(Or feel free to ask me if you'd like to acquire one directly from me and let it revolt its way into your New Year)!


"When your New Year begins
with having another person's judgments rained down upon you,
as if attempting to shrink you
closer to her
by insinuating
that your own style is unclean,
dirty, every room in your house filled with unacceptable
mold. The mold takes precedence
over your poetry. The mold must be focused upon
more than your poetry."

in the poem "A Moldy Bathtub Is a Sin and You Must Repent Forever, Because She Said So" (which appears within my REVOLTING chapbook)


"This is such a good book. Rips off the scab and gives the wound oxygen. Some of Cook's best work."

A little Goodreads Review of REVOLTING. Thank you very much to John Burroughs!
In case anyone else who reads it might be interested in Reviewing it (via Goodreads or elsewhere) or recommending it or... Here is the Goodreads link - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/222804547-revolting


Furthermore, I am also very excited to have another new poetry chapbook manuscript, "Blue Stingers Instead of Wings", recently chosen for publication by Pure Sleeze Press and forthcoming in Spring 2025!
Viva la Poetry!


Still very excited and delighted about my recent poetry chapbooks!!!!

1 Year Ago, in 2023, I was very excited and delighted and grateful to have three different new poetry chapbooks published by three different independent small presses!

"red flames burning out" was published by Grey Book Press and is still available from them here - http://www.greybookpress.com/2023/04/07/internal-suffocation/ or from my own Blood Pudding Press shop here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1474135657/red-flames-burning-out-a-poetry-chapbook

"CONTORTED DOOM CONVEYOR" was published by Gutter Snob Books and is now out of stock/out of print from Gutter Snob but I still have a very few copies available here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1527609127/contorted-doom-conveyor-a-poetry

"Your Mouth Is Moving Backwards" was published by Ethel Zine & Micro Press and is currently sold out from Ethel but I still have a very few copies available here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1653667391/your-mouth-is-moving-backwards-a-new

Then this year, 2014, I very recently (as in less than a month ago) had a new poetry chapbook published by Cul-de-sac of Blood!  "REVOLTING" can be investigated and acquired from the Cul-de-sac HERE - https://www.culdesacofblood.com/books


Read a few more poems from my NEW poetry chapbook, REVOLTING!

Here is a link to a new Cul-de-sac of Blood Instagram post, in which you can Preview some of the poems within my new poetry chapbook, REVOLTING!


REVOLTING is available from Cul-de-sac of Blood HERE - https://www.culdesacofblood.com/books
Or if you'd like to acquire a copy directly from me, feel free to ask...


Read the first poem in my NEW Poetry Chapbook, REVOLTING (and more)!

"Sometimes we learn the hard way
 that some mice will eat their own babies

like sadistic cannibals, leaving nothing but half a body
attached to a head that will always live inside mine."

in the first poem ("From Hormone Imbalance to Death") within my NEW chapbook, "REVOLTING" (very recently published by Cul-de-sac of Blood).

I'm sharing a few more photos of this chapbook, as well as this whole poem here.

Front cover - first page of poem - second page of poem - back cover.

You can acquire the whole chapbook (in conjunction with other chapbooks or by itself) from Cul-de-sac of Blood HERE - https://www.culdesacofblood.com/books

Or you can acquire it by itself directly from me.

(You can also see more photos and more details in this previous blog post HERE - https://doppelgangrene.blogspot.com/2024/11/my-new-poetry-chapbook-revolting-is-now.html)


NEW! My poem "Stalks" is making an appearance in LIVE NUDE POEMS!

"This abyss of dark corn fields
floods your brain and
nervous system with
violent effigies, waiting to abduct you."

the beginning of my poem "Stalks", which is now appearing in LIVE NUDE POEMS

Read more HERE - http://www.livenudepoems.com/2024/12/juliet-cook.html