
Happy Halloween from Thirteen Myna Birds!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN from Thirteen Myna Birds! All new poetry, prose, peculiar probes, and writhing strobes by Bekah Steimel, Cassandra Dallett, Jay Sizemore, Tim Kahl, Daniel Romo, and Jessy Randall  -

"the old witch winks - cells have always been made of cotton candy - exposed within the symmetry of artistic disarray - around the corner, a snowstorm - shoe laces untied - the moon a dead white eye - gas leak in the strip club begins classic of soft-core porn - poets slice themselves open - blood rushing - we wade through these women".

Swarm One (a new poem)

Listen too and watch a creepy creature read "Swarm One", a collaborative poem by Juliet Cook and Robert Cole - at Citizen Brooklyn. Happy Halloween!



Scary and Fun Halloween Dinner Recipes (a mini article)

Scary and Fun Halloween Dinner Recipes - 

Non-traditional Communication?

I am focused on poetry and art and expression and ongoing/outgoing communication - and some people don’t GET that or understand why it is so meaningful to me.

Some people are focused on immediate family and not sharing much personal information with those who aren’t immediate family - and I don't GET that or understand why that is so meaningful (I’m not saying there’s anything WRONG with that approach if it works for you; but what if you’re someone who feels like you have just as much or more or different but just as meaningful things in common with people who aren’t in your immediate family?).

I just deleted a whole bunch of stuff here, but I guess my main point here is that I do not particularly relate or even particularly UNDERSTAND certain traditional practices of what does or does not equal family - and what does or does not equate to people we should be interested in/open to communicating with.

I would like to communicate with whoever I choose to communicate with, whether or not they're traditional family.
ALSO, how does expressing different opinions equal being 'anti-family', 'conflicting', and 'rebelling' (according to how some people seem to perceive it/me/my opinion/the way I express myself)? I'm not trying to be an anti-family rebel just because I express my opinion and it's not the same as yours.
ALSO, one adult shouldn’t give another adult their opinions about personal/interpersonal interaction,  'relationships’, dating, sex, and other stuff like that unless they’re willing to listen to the other adult's opinion too (even if it’s substantially different from theirs).  Having a substantially different opinion and expressing it to someone who expressed there’s to you does not equal being a defiant rebel.

It equals being an individual with a different opinion.

If you don’t want to hear mine, fine – then don’t share yours with me.


FREE Ghost Magnet

A new one-of-a-kind, hand-painted pottery GHOST MAGNET has been added to the Blood Pudding Press shop and is available FREE with the next Blood Pudding Press purchaser who claims it.



October should make me feel happy (I should make myself feel happy), but...

I am feeling bad, sad, upset at myself and self-hating. I'm a writer who expresses myself in all kinds of ways, but yet in recent years I feel like maybe I have trouble expressing myself the way I want to emotionally to someone I might care about, because I am all maybe maybe maybe, i don't know i don't know i don't know (i don't know how he feels; i don't know or trust how i feel; if I don't know what i want then how the heck am i supposed to express it?), i don't want to sound too intense and scare someone away, i don't want to sound too casual (but often I do sound more casual than i actually feel, or else i'd be ridiculously freaking people out left and right)

i didn't always used to be this way, but these days, i don't even have any confidence in how I feel and why and if my feelings can be trusted

these days anything that even comes remotely close to a relationship involving emotions seems/feels unattainable to me. i'm tired of trying things that don't work right and don't last long and then seem to mutate my ridiculous emotions even more. i don't even take any emotion-based pills and yet my emotions frequently shift from over the top to zoning themselves out into uncaring, overly casual, who gives a fuck mode (even though I do care)

messed up, mixed up, non-trusting, non-trustworthy, emotional feeling/unemotional seeming quadruple sextuplet triple threat and nobody's going to win, because it's not a competition, it's mostly just my failure (or at least that's how i'm feeling today)